Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Buyback Details & Participation Steps5 min read
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has announced to buyback 4 crore shares at a price of ₹4,500 per share resulting in a total offer size of ₹18,000 crore. Feb 23, 2022 is announced as the “Record Date” to determine the entitlement and names of the shareholders who will be eligible to participate in the Buyback.
You must hold the TCS stocks in your demat account on the record date i.e. Feb 23, 2022 to be eligible to participate in the Buyback. If you don’t hold any stock, you won’t be eligible for the buyback.
Feature to apply for the buyback is not available in our platform for now, but the same is in our road-map and we will work to provide it soon. Currently, you can apply for buyback using CDSL easiest.
Buy Back Start Date: 09-03-2022
Buy Back End Date : 22-03-2022
Buyback has now started, complete all the following steps to tender/apply your TCS Shares in the offer.
How to Participate in buyback?
You need to go to the following link: https://web.cdslindia.com/myeasi/Registration/EasiestRegistration and register to make an account.
Following are the steps to register an account :
1. Enter your Paytm Money DP ID and Client ID :
Steps to find your DP ID and Client ID (App) :
(i) Login to Paytm Money app
(ii) Open Stocks section
(iii) Open Account section and touch to open the arrow on the top right to land on your profile
(iii) Scroll down to the Demat Account details
(iv) Use the DP ID in the details
(v) Use last 8 digits of Demat account number(BOID) as the Client ID
Steps to find your DP ID and Client ID (Website) :
(i) Login and surf to : Paytm Money Stocks
(ii) Use the DP ID in the details
(iii) Use last 8 digits of Demat account number(BOID) as the Client ID
Click on the checkbox and continue
2. Enter the OTP received on your registered mobile number :

3. Enter the details as required in the following steps and complete your registration :

In the step in the above screenshot, In Account Type checkbox: Trusted Account should be selected by customer.
Complete the continuing steps. Once registration is done, it will be activated within one working day.
Post successful registration, and account creation, kindly follow the instructions below :
If you already have an “Account of Choice”, follow these steps to change to a “Trusted Account”, otherwise skip to Step (2) to add Paytm Money Account as the “Trusted Account”
#1 To apply for buyback, the Transfer option should be a trusted account. If your Transfer option is Account of choice ( chosen earlier ) then follow the below steps to change it to a trusted account. You can see the transfer option once you login to the easiest account.
Path: Click on Miscellaneous -> Click on Modify Mode of Operation -> Submit
Modify Mode of Operation :

Submit :

Confirmation message dialog :

Wait for the approval from DP to continue with the next step.
#2 After DP approves account choice, the customer has to add Paytm Money’s account as a trusted account.
Refer to this detailed tutorial video and follow the steps :
Path: Click on Miscellaneous -> Edit Trusted account -> Add Trusted account
Add Paytm Money’s Trusted Account BO ID,
( BSE :1208880000000036 ) by clicking on “Add Trusted Account”.
Same is shown in screenshot below.
Adding Paytm Money as a trusted account also requires DP to Authenticate, so you will have to wait after this step.

Add Trusted account :

Paytm Money BO ID :

After DP Authentication is complete, continue with Early Payin Setup (Step 3)
#3 Setup Early Payin:
Refer to this detailed tutorial video and follow the steps :
Path: Transaction -> Setup -> Bulk setup -> Under Early pay-in tab add the details
Setup :

Under Early pay-in tab add the details :

Continuation :

Market Type: BUYBACK (BB)
Settlement ID: 1110562022031
CM ID: 6707
Counter BO ID: 1100001000024223
(Click on search icon, Counter BO ID will fill in automatically)
Buy Back Start Date: 09-03-2022
Buy Back End Date : 22-03-2022
After the Buyback starts, click on (+) icon in the ISIN Details and add TCS ISIN : INE467B01029
Then, enter the quantity you are willing to tender in the Buyback and submit.
The maximum quantity that you can tender is the ‘No. of Equity Shares held by you on the Record Date’. The same has also been communicated by the Company Secretary, TCS on your respective email, please refer.
Shares that won’t be accepted for the Buyback Offer will return back to your Demat account within 15 days after the Buyback close date.

Then you need to add ISIN of share i.e. TCS INE467B01029 and click on Submit.
After entering the ISIN and Quantity, click on Ok. Then, Click Submit > Verify.
Now, you are redirected to the transaction list page, select the respective transaction here and click on Commit. Then, enter the PIN you had set-up while registering your account.
If you don’t remember your PIN :
Click Miscellaneous > Reset PIN > Follow the steps.
Stay tuned in for further updates on the blog.
Please reach out to our customer care via the app for any queries.
Disclaimer: Investments in securities market are subject to market risks, read all the related documents carefully before investing. This content is purely for educational, information and investor awareness purposes only and in no way to be considered as advice or recommendation. Please refer www.paytmmoney.com for further information.